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Decisions made now need to be thoughtful solutions for our future. 

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My name is Karen Rose-Gillis and I seek your vote on or before April 8th, 2025 for Select Board.  I am a calm, thoughtful, practical and logical decision maker and believe these attributes will be a huge asset to the Select Board.   These are challenging times with the national and local dialogue growing coarser.  Our community needs more people willing to step up and help us move forward.  For me, the time to step up is now.


I have lived on Linden Street, at the edge of the downtown, since 1993.  I raised my three children in Reading and been involved in many aspects of the community:  Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout leadership, various positions on PTO Boards in elementary, middle and high schools, and most recently a member of the Parking Advisory & Recommendation Committee (PARC).  I love living in Reading, and consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been able to live in and raise my children in this town.  


I graduated from University of Massachusetts/Amherst with a B.A. in Economics.  For my “day” job, I have worked in the legal field for over 33 years in administration and accounting.  The various firms I have worked for over the years involved insurance defense, environmental law, special education law, and currently I work for a firm which specializes in intellectual property. 


I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to the Select Board.  The year 2025 will bring many challenges for our Town and its residents.  I know I have a lot to learn, however my experience with PARC was the first step in realizing how impactful our residents can be – stepping out of our comfort zones to work with each other and build a better community for the future.

Important issues I see facing Reading now, and moving into the future:


  • Killam Elementary School construction;

  • Reading Center for Active Living (RECAL);

  • Eastern Gateway Priority Planning initiative (EGPP);

  • MBTA track turnaround;

  • Community Preservation Act Study Committee (CPA Ad Hoc Committee) and its work moving Reading forward in areas of affordable housing, historic preservation, and recreation;

  • Climate Advisory Committee and the work being done ensuring Reading moves forward to create a greener community;

  • Parking issues should be monitored on a regular basis to ensure we are meeting the needs of residents, businesses, employees, and out of town visitors; 

  • Increase communication between Town Hall, residents, and Committees;

  • Increase residents’ participation in Town initiatives, Committees, and projects; 




Please join me with your enthusiasm and energy to move Reading forward and make it even better.



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Event Calendar!

Keep up-to-date with upcoming meet-and-greets and virtual Q&A sessions.

Click Here to See Where Karen Will Be!



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What's On Your Mind?  Have Questions:  I would love to chat!

Important Dates!

Early In-Person Voting (Town Hall):  3/31/25 - 4/3/25
Election Day:  4/8/25 at RMHS Field House

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